Golden Bay / Mohua
Tākaka Primary School is now accepting International Fee Paying Students. Come and enjoy an educational experience in the beautiful Golden Bay! Our school in located in a picturesque environment surrounded by beautiful beaches and world renowned national parks.
International Students
Our aim is to provide our International Students with an authentic kiwi educational experience. We endeavour to make our International students and families feel welcome in New Zealand and our school to ensure their stay is a memorable one.
We place high value on developing strong foundations in Literacy and Mathematics and our teaching team pride themselves on striving to grow their own teaching capability to enhance learning outcomes for our learners. We collectively live our school value of 'Open to Learning / Kia Mataara' for the benefits of our learners everyday.
We have fantastic facilities that enhance the learning opportunities we provide our learners. These include: a heated swimming pool, a pump track and an asphalt bike track with access to school bikes daily, a school forest for outdoor learning, school gardens, as well as an orchard onsite. We are fortunate to have a heated swimming pool for your child to enjoy water safety and swimming lessons during Term 1 and 4. We have a modern school library that allows access to new books weekly for your child to enjoy at home. Our hall is a wonderful asset and is well utilised for assemblies and sharing learning with families.
Our school is committed to ensuring we are providing a range of opportunities to engage our learners in participating in a range of sport and physical activity. Sport and physical activity encourages students to work as a team and this develops other values that we promote including co-operation and leadership. Sport requires commitment, persistence and resilience - all important life skills embedded within our school values.
Currently, Netball and Miniball are organised through the school with parent support. This competition is run outside of school hours. These sports are not provided by external clubs.
There are also other sporting opportunities offered in our local community, including: Rippa Rugby, Rugby, Touch, Dance, Football, Basketball and Pickleball.
The school has the following annual sporting events:
Cross Country
Swimming Sports
Athletic Sports
Football Tournament
RIPPA Rugby Tournament
Tuition fees are set annually in consultation with the Tākaka Primary School Board of Trustees. Tuition fees are payable in advance and may increase from year to year. If you have paid tuition fees for the following year in advance, then the increase in fees must be paid when re-enrolling the learner.
All fees are stated in New Zealand dollars and includes 15% GST (Goods and Services Tax) International Student Fees are payable in full on enrolment and prior to commencement of learning at Tākaka Primary School.
This includes:
Full integration into a New Zealand classroom at Tākaka Primary School
All stationery requirements for the student
Activity fees for class trips and outings.
International Student Fees do not cover the cost of:
Medical and travel insurance
Student Visa or Immigration requirement costs
Transport to and from school
School Camp (Term 1 OR 4) Approx $80.00 - $250.00
Food during school hours.
Fee Protection:
The Board will not spend International School Fees until the tuition has been provided. All international fees will be kept in a separate deposit account.
The Board will always have sufficient reserves to be able to return to students their fees in the event of a student refund being required, or because the school is unable to continue to provide tuition.
This policy is in keeping with the Code of Practice for the Pastoral care of International Students.
Fee Refund:
As required by the Code, Part 7, Outcome 20, clause 81, our refund policy is reasonable and meets legal requirements, including an outline of the refund conditions for the following situations:
failure by a learner to obtain a study visa
voluntary withdrawal by a learner
the school ceasing to provide the agreed educational programme
the school ceasing to be a signatory to the Code of Practice
the school ceasing to be an education provider.
If the school ceases to provide the agreed educational programme or ceases to be a signatory to the Code of Practice, Tākaka Primary School will deal with the fees paid for services not delivered or the unused portion of fees by:
refunding the amount in question to the learner (or the learner's parent or legal guardian)
transferring the amount to another signatory as agreed with the learner (as specified in the Code).
To apply for a full or partial refund of fees, a parent (legal guardian) must apply in writing to the Board of Trustees within one month of the learner's last day at school (or within one month of the learner gaining permanent residency) explaining the special circumstances.
Our fee refund policy is provided to parents before a contract is signed, and is included in the contract signed upon enrolment. If a student withdraws from their course of study before the completion date, they may be eligible for a refund of tuition fees. The school will always investigate requests for a refund and act fairly.
Health and Travel Insurance
The Code requires schools to have practices that ensure, as far as practicable, each international school learner enrolled for educational instruction of 2 weeks’ duration or longer has appropriate insurance (clause 65(1)).
All international students attending Tākaka Primary School must have current medical insurance.
Students are not entitled to publicly funded health services while in New Zealand unless they are:
A resident or citizen of Australia; or
A national of the United Kingdom in NZ; or
The holder of a temporary permit that is valid for 2 years or more.
If you don’t belong to one of these special categories and you received medical treatment during your visit, you will be liable for the full costs of that treatment. You are required to have insurance that will cover the cost of medical treatment in New Zealand for the duration of your stay in New Zealand. We also strongly recommend that you obtain insurance to cover your travel to and from New Zealand.
All students must have acceptable, appropriate and current medical and travel insurance for the full duration of their planned study before enrolment, as specified in the Code. “Acceptable” insurance complies with the Code and is acceptable to the school, as above.
ACC provides cover for all people in New Zealand for injuries and accidents, but not if they occur overseas, so students taking holidays out of New Zealand during their study must be covered by their private insurance policy.
It is compulsory for all students to have travel and medical insurance.
Key insurance requirements include:
an international school learner’s travel to and from New Zealand, within New Zealand, and if part of educational instruction, outside of New Zealand
medical care in New Zealand
repatriation or expatriation of the international learner as a result of serious illness, injury, or death (including funeral expenses).
Full details can be found in Outcome 15: Process 5: Insurance (clause 65(1)-(3)) of the Code on Page 37. The Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021
Some international learners may have preexisting insurance either privately, through their parents, or eligibility to public health services which cover some or all the Code’s requirements.
10 Central Takaka Road, Takaka 7183
Golden Bay Community Health
Golden Bay Community Health is an Integrated Family Health Centre in the remote area of Golden Bay. Golden Bay Community Health - Te Hauora o Mohua as part of Nelson Bays Primary Health - offers a range of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Health Care.
The surgery is open:
8.30am to 5pm Monday to Friday
10am to 1pm on Saturday and Public Holidays.
Sunday - No Clinic – please call our afterhours service on 03 525 0060 or 111 if an emergency.
Outside of this time until 8.30am Monday - please call our after hours service on 03 525 0060.
Please dial (03) 525 0060 for urgent after hours medical care.
Term Dates 2024
Term Dates 2024
Term 1: Thursday 1st February - Friday 12th April
Term 2: Monday 29th April - Friday 5th July
Term 3: Monday 22nd July - Friday 27th September
Term 4: Monday 14th October - Tuesday 17th December
Public Holidays 2024
Waitangi Day: Tuesday 6th February
Good Friday: Friday 29th March
Easter Monday: Monday 1st April
Easter Tuesday: Tuesday 2nd April (Observed by NZ schools)
King’s Birthday: Monday 3rd June
Matariki: Friday 28th June
Labour Day: Monday 28th October
Teacher Only Days
As part of our Collective Agreement announced by the Ministry of Education all primary schools are entitled to two Teacher Only days over and above school holidays for professional learning.
The following are the dates that Tākaka Primary School will be closed for Teacher Only days.
Thursday 28th March (tagged before Good Friday to create an extra long weekend)
This is a day booked in with our Literacy Consultants around Writing.
Friday 31st May (tagged onto the public holiday for King’s Birthday)
This is a Kahui Ako Day with all the schools in Golden Bay.
Term Dates 2025
Term Dates 2025
Term 1: Thursday 30th January - Friday 11th April
Term 2: Monday 28th April - Friday 4th July
Term 3: Monday 21st July - Friday 26th September
Term 4: Monday 13th October - Tuesday 16th December
Public Holidays 2025
Nelson Anniversary: Monday 3rd February
Waitangi Day: Thursday 6th February
King’s Birthday: Monday 2nd June
Matariki: Friday 20th June
Labour Day: Monday 27th October
Teacher Only Days
As part of our Collective Agreement announced by the Ministry of Education all primary schools are entitled to two Teacher Only days over and above school holidays for professional learning.
The following are the dates that Tākaka Primary School will be closed for Teacher Only days.
To Be Confirmed: School Teacher Only Day
Friday 30th May (tagged onto the public holiday for King’s Birthday) This is a Kahui Ako Day with all the schools in Golden Bay.
Code of Practice:
Tākaka Primary School has agreed to observe and be bound by the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students published by the Minister of Education. Copies of the code are available from this institution or from the NZ Ministry of Education website at
Immigration: Visa Eligibility
Both students and parents need to have Visitor Visas in order to qualify for enrolment as an International Student. All students must meet the requirements of Immigration New Zealand to study in New Zealand. “Full details of visa and permit requirements, advice on rights to employment in New Zealand while studying and reporting requirements are available through the New Zealand Immigration Service, and can be viewed on their website at
Students may be enrolled at the School for up to 3 consecutive months if they have a Visitor Visa. Students must have a Student Visa for enrolments longer than 3 months. The Student’s passport and visa, and Parents’ passports and visas, must be shown at enrolment. The Parents must ensure that all documentation, including visas and insurance, is kept up to date. The School will notify Immigration New Zealand if it becomes aware of a breach of visa conditions.
Quality Assurance:
ERO is the New Zealand government department that evaluates and reports on the education and care of students in schools and early childhood services. ERO’s reports are used by parents, teachers, early childhood education managers, school principals and trustees, and by government policy makers. The link will take you to our most current ERO Report. Tākaka Primary School ERO Report
Enrolment Procedures:
For acceptance at Tākaka Primary School in Golden Bay, your child must be living with a parent/legal guardian. You must apply for a Visa naming Tākaka Primary School. This may take 2-3 weeks.
All International Students at Tākaka Primary School are subject to the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students.
Application for Enrolment:
Contact the Principal on to indicate your expression of interest in attending Tākaka Primary School as an International Student.
The school will then:
Verify your child is eligible to attend.
Provide you with a copy of the International Student Prospectus.
Provide you with an Application for Enrolment
Before arrival in New Zealand:
Tākaka Primary School sends an enrolment package (application, contract/tuition agreement, refund policy, and supporting forms and documents).
International Students and their parents complete the enrolment application and email supporting documents to Tākaka Primary School
Tākaka Primary School receives and checks the enrolment application:
Check that the application is complete.
Assess the student's suitability for our school.
Assess the student's proposed living situation.
Check insurance, visa, and passport.
Check that all documents required have been provided
Tākaka Primary Schools sends an invoice.
Funds are deposited into the below bank account:
Tākaka Primary School receives and receipts full fee or deposit.
When the application is approved, you will receive an Offer of Place. The details completed in the ‘Offer of a Place’ form are required by New Zealand Immigration for the issuing of a Student Visa and a Guardian Visa. You may like to visit the New Zealand Immigration website for more information about the Student Visa at
After arrival in New Zealand Tākaka Primary School:
Enrols the student
Arranges class placement and starting date
Ensures orientation programme is in place
Arranges stationery.
New Zealand Education System
Early Childhood:
Early childhood education provides education and care for children before they are old enough to go to school. New Zealand has more than 4000 licensed early childhood education services available, including kindergartens, childcare centres, play centres, home-based care and playgroups.
Primary Schools:
Primary school students study subjects guided by New Zealand National Curriculum: English, the arts, health and physical education, languages, mathematics and statistics, science, social sciences and technology. Students’ abilities in reading, writing and maths are regularly assessed against expectations for their age level, as set out in the New Zealand Curriculum.
Intermediate Schools:
Intermediate schools are a bridge between primary school and secondary school. Primary education starts at Year 1 and continues through to Year 8. Years 7 and 8 are offered either at a primary school or at a separate intermediate school.
Secondary Schools:
New Zealand has three types of secondary schools: state schools, where 85% of Kiwi children go, state-integrated schools, which may be run by a religious faith or use specialist teaching methods private schools. Students at secondary schools - also known as high schools or colleges - work towards the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA). Secondary schools also offer some vocational subjects, such as tourism and computing.
Tertiary Education:
New Zealand has eight state-funded universities, 16 Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics (ITPs) and approximately 550 Private Training Establishments (PTEs), which include English language schools.
Choose the type of institution that’s best for your career path:
• Universities offer higher degree-level education. Programmes are research-led and generally academic rather than vocational. In the 2015/16 QS World University Rankings, all eight of New Zealand’s universities were in the top 100 in at least one subject.
• ITPs and a few larger PTEs offer vocational degree-level education.
• PTEs tend to offer specific vocational programmes, mainly at certificate and diploma level.
Visit this website for more information.
Further Education beyond Tākaka Primary School:
Golden Bay High School is our local High School and backs onto our school. This High School accepts International Student enrolments for students aged 11+. This is a further study option once student finish TPS as a Year 6. For more information about this study pathway, click on the link here.
In accordance with the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students, Tākaka Primary School requires that all International Students live with their parent/s or a legal guardian. As part of our enrolment process, we seek the following:
Asks for the child’s birth certificate, passport and the parents’ passports.
Compares the identification document and checks passport photos.
Checks and records the parents’ passport visa/permit dates to ensure that they end after the student’s period of enrolment. If not, the expiry date is noted, and parents are required to supply renewal details at the appropriate time.
The Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students does not recognise any papers signed by overseas courts or lawyers stating that parents have appointed another person as a legal guardian of their child. There are no exceptions.
For families there are accommodation options in our area:
Airbnb or Trademe Rentals or BayStay Property Management for rentals.
TPS students have free carriage to school by bus if:
Students live more than 3.2km from the school and live towards:
Patons Rock
Onekaka / Tukurua (this may involve a transfer of entitlement)
There is currently no provision for other students to get onto the buses, even as ineligible students paying a fare.
You can contact for more information.
Welfare and Pastoral Care
Student Support:
The Principal of Tākaka Primary School will have overall responsibility for the pastoral care of International Students, and will monitor each student's welfare and progress. There is a strong network of caring staff to ensure that each Student's time is enjoyable and rewarding. Our school culture, ensures that every student is welcomed into a caring, supportive and safe environment. The Principal will regularly check in our our International Students to ensure the are settling in well.
At TPS we have a teacher aide who supports the learning of our English Language Learners in the classroom. International Students also have access to this support.
The Principal will also be the first point of contact for students with concerns.
If the school has a concern that an International Student is being, or is likely to be ill treated, harmed, abused or neglected, the Principal will notify Oranga Tamariki (Ministry for Children) or the New Zealand Police of the concern in accordance with the ‘Breaking the Cycle’ reporting protocol.
Orientation will include:
● An introduction to the classroom teacher and other relevant teaching and support staff.
● An introduction to the student’s New Zealand buddy (friend).
● Orientation to the school including the location of the sick bay, toilets, where to hang schoolbags, behavioural expectations before and after school, where to have their lunch, routines for morning tea and lunch and appropriate play areas.
● Information and set up of our school app to ensure you stay up to date with life at Tākaka Primary School.
Enrolment Documentation
International Student Prospectus
For further information click on the following link:
Full details of visa and permit requirements, advice on rights to employment in New Zealand and while studying, and reporting requirements are available through the New Zealand Immigration Service, and can be viewed on their web site. Schools cannot give immigration ‘advice’. Only licensed immigration agents may give advice about immigration requirements.
Information about Studying and Living in NZ
Please click on the links below for further information about living and studying in New Zealand:
Education New Zealand:
NauMai NZ is for international students studying or about to study in New Zealand. It's an opportunity to get useful information to help you experience our land, lifestyle and culture, and navigate daily life along the way!
Tourism New Zealand:
Tourism New Zealand's offers some valuable information about tourism opportunities for families while in New Zealand.
Study in New Zealand:
The official Government site for advice on studying abroad in New Zealand. This site offers information on a range of courses at universities, institutes and schools. You can also read student stories of real life experiences and learn important information about the costs of living in New Zealand.
NZQA’s Studying in New Zealand:
This site offers further information about New Zealand qualifications, secondary school and NCEA, Tertiary education and quality assurance of education in New Zealand.
New Zealand Now:
This Government website share information about living, working, studying and investing in New Zealand as well as information about visas, job prospects and the great lifestyle here.
Education New Zealand (ENZ):
Education New Zealand (ENZ) raises awareness of New Zealand as a study destination and supports education providers and businesses to export their services and products.
Numbeo: NZ Cost of Living: Numbeo: NZ Cost of Living
This Numbeo website gives you information on the cost of livign in New Zealand.
New Zealand just like any other country has its unique culture. For an international student it is vital to understand it before arrival. The following link gives advice on adjusting to life in New Zealand.
Concerns and Complaints
Concerns and Complaints:
When you come to New Zealand as an international student, you can expect to receive a high standard of education, and to feel safe and well cared for while you live and study here.
If you have a concern or complaint, please follow our school internal procedures:
Contact the classroom teacher involved and discuss the matter.
If the matter doesn’t involve a particular teacher, or you do not wish to contact the teacher concerned, or you are unhappy with the outcome of meeting with the teacher, contact the Principal to discuss the matter further.
If at that point you were still not happy with the outcome, you would follow the school’s Concerns and Complaints Procedure, see below.
International Appeal Authority
If you believe the school has breached the Code of Practice and you have not been able to settle the matter by following the order of the school’s internal procedures as outlined above, you may bring the matter to the New Zealand Qualifications Authority and/or The Disputes Resolution Process.
If the complaint is not resolved under the internal procedure you can contact the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) who will process your complaint
If you have a complaint, it is important that you go through the right steps. Please refer to the NZQA International students – How to make a complaint document.
International Appeal Authority:
If you believe the school has breached the Code of Practice and you have not been able to settle the matter by following the order of the school’s internal procedures as outlined above, you may bring the matter to the New Zealand Qualifications Authority and/or The Disputes Resolution Process.
If you have a complaint, it is important that you go through the right steps. Please refer to the NZQA International students – How to make a complaint document. The following link provide advice and guidance around resolving disputes with their Education Provider: Study Complaints. Study Complaints is available to help you resolve financial or contractual disputes with your education provider. There is no cost to you for this service.
School Policies
An important part of the Board’s governance responsibilities involves setting policies that describe how we expect the school to be run, in order to produce the best outcomes for our students and to fulfil our legal requirements. The application of these policies in the day-to-day running of the school is the responsibility of the principal, in accordance with the procedures and handbooks specified in each policy.
SchoolDocs provides us with a comprehensive core set of policies which have been well researched and follow the Ministry of Education National Administration Guidelines. The policies and procedures are tailored to fit our school; including school specific information such as our charter, procedures for behaviour management and reporting to parents.
To view our policies follow the instructions below:
Go to our School Doc site by clicking on the following link. TPS School Docs
Enter the user name (takakaprimary) and password (standtall)
Other Resources
Mohua Social Services offers a wide range of social services, courses and other activities with the aim of empowering and connecting people. Ph 03 5259728
The Golden Bay Workcentre Trust seeks to enable individuals and groups to achieve self determination, create healthy and tolerant life-styles and exercise positive choices. Ph 03 5258099
Our purpose is to provide quality mental health services in Golden Bay and assist people working toward wellness and independence.
Youth Hub is brought to you by the Golden Bay Youth Trust, established by passionate locals for the purpose of promoting health and well being for the youth of Golden Bay.
Golden Bay Community Health is an integrated rural health centre comprising medical practice (providing GP services), rural hospital and residential elderly care. Ph 03 5250060
Takaka Police Station (03) 525 9211