Tākaka Primary School

Our Community

We are lucky to be part of such a diverse, warm and welcoming community and welcome input into the school. We are focused on creating a community of care for a community that cares; strong involvement and enthusiasm, authentic partnerships and supportive networks are what gives our school the ‘learning buzz’ we are so proud of.


Our Class Led Values assemblies are held on Friday afternoon's at 2.15pm 3 times a term. These assemblies are led by one class who share their learning based our our current School Value focus. 

Our school Celebration Assemblies are held on Friday afternoon's at 2.15pm 3 times a term as well. These assembllies are run by a class and include other learning being shared across the school. 

Parents and families are welcome to attend to hear about our new value and special weekly events.

Alternative Fridays we have our Tuakana Teina Programme where our tuakana plan and lead activities for our teina tamariki. These include things like: arts and craft, sport, coding, lego challenges, swimming etc. This programme is an opportunity for our tamariki to mix with others across the school, as well as getting to know other staff working across the school.


If you have a sport that you’re happy to coach or support, please email talia@takakaprimary.school.nz 

We have a senior sports rotation and netball, miniball and football on offer during lunchtimes. We also have chess, puzzles, colouring, art, weaving, wheels, coding and minecraft lunchtime clubs offered during the break times. 

If you’d like to join us, or have something you’d like to share or learn, please get in touch!

Takaka Primary School 2024