Our School Values

When we help someone else, we help ourselves.

"Tiakina nga manu, ka ora te ngahere, ka ora te ngahere, ka ora nga manu."

"Look after the bords and the forest flourishes. If the forest flourishes, the birds flourish."

We are honest. We are truthful

We do the right thing even when it's the hard thing.

We do the right thing when no one is watching.

Integrity gives us self-respect and a peaceful heart.

Regardless of our circumstances, we have the ability to change our internal approach.

Our resilience serves us well when we experience change.

We find innovative solutions for my challenges and bounce back quickly.

We can learn anything! We can know anything! We can be anything!

We constribute to the learning environment in every way that we can.

We are ready for learning and open to finding solutions to our learning challenges. 

We value ourselves. We value others. We value our school and our environment.

We show respect through our thoughts and deeds.

We include others and respect everyone's beliefs, backgrounds and right to learn.

We consider our own needs, and the needs of others. 

We think of others when we speak and act.

Kindness underpins everything we do.

We take time to listen, understand and be with others. 

Tu Tonu Mai Tickets

'Caught Ya Draw' (Tu Tonu Mai Tickets) 

We focus on a value every three weeks and explicitly teach what this value looks like in our classrooms, with learning, in the playground and wider school community, and ‘catch’ students showing that value across all school contexts. Staff then actively ‘catch’ positive behaviour aligned to our values and acknowledge this by handing out Tu Tonu Mai Tickets. 

Each class has its own classroom draw in which children are drawn out to receive a certificate and recognition from the class for displaying our school values. After each Friday's class draw, the class tickets are to put into our Tu Tonu Mai schoolwide draw. This draw takes place at our School Values Celebration Assembly where the lucky winners receive a book voucher. 

Living our School Values

Explicit Teaching:

Our School Values are explicitly taught and developed over a three-week cycle. 

We are Takaka Primary School, Together we stand tall! 

Last Updated May 2024